Barbara Glowczewski (Dr and Pr) is a Distinguished Professorial Researcher (DRCE) at the National Scientific Research center (CNRS), member of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology (CNRS/EHESS/Collège de France/PSL : Silver medal of the CNRS 2018. She is an anthropologist specializing in Australian Indigenous issues, strategies of recognition and networks shared with other Indigenous peoples and populations displaced by colonisation and their alliances for social and environmental justice against ecocide.
Author of 18 books (Indigenising anthropology with Guattari and Deleuze, EUP, nov. 2019; Desert Dreamers, University of Minnesota Press/Univocal, 2016;Totemic Becomings.Cosmopolitics of the Dreaming, Sao Paulo, n-1, 2015) and numerous multimedia productions in collaboration with Central Australian artists (Lajamanu – 40 years with Warlpiri people, 60′ experimental documentary, 2018: ; audiovisual archive on; Dream Trackers CD-CROM, UNESCO, 2001) and Djugun/Yawuru/Jabirr Jabirr film maker Wayne Barker and Yolngu people from Bawaka (The spirit of Anchor = , 53′, 2002).
She also worked in Queensland (2004-2014) on the committal hearing of people arrested for the « riot » that followed a violent death in custody on Palm Island and wrote with the ‘ring-leader’ Lex Wotton Warriors for peace( She also worked in Brazil (2013-2015), filming an Umbanda tenda spirita ( in Florianopolis.