Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji is a professor of the Department of Anthropology at the University of São Paulo (USP) since 2005. Vice-coordinator of LISA (Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology at USP). She is also the coordinator of PAM (group of research in musical anthropology) and vice-coordinator of GRAVI (Group of Visual Anthropology). Author of the books Imagem-violência – Etnografia de um cinema provocador (2013) and A música e o risco (2006), co-author of Lá do Leste (2013), and co-editor of A experiência da imagem na etnografia (2016), Bixiga em Artes e Ofícios ( 2014), Antropologia e Performance (2013), Escrituras da Imagem (2004) e Imagem-Conhecimento (2009). She has made various ethnographic films, including Woya Hayi Mawe – Where are you going to? (2018, with Jasper Chalcraft), Tabuluja (2017, with J. Chacraft and Shambuyi Wetu), Violão-Canção: Brazilian Soul (2016, with Chico Saraiva), The Eagle (2015, with Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier), Fabrik Funk (2015, with Boudreault-Fournier and Sylvia Caiuby Novaes), Art and the Street (2011, with Carolina Caffé). Currently she conducts the research project Being/Becoming African in Brazil with Jasper Chalcraft.